It’s a wrap: UPPS Symposium PERFECT FIT 2023

The UPPS Symposium Perfect Fit event took place on Thursday, April 20th, 2023, at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering in Delft. This symposium, which was organized by Fieldlab UPPS and NEXT UPPS, and financially supported by CLICKNL, NWO, TU Delft and private partners, was open to anyone who was interested in the research and development of UPPS.

The symposium brought together a diverse group of attendees, including researchers, designers, industry professionals, and students passionate about ultra-personalized products and services (UPPS). The attendees had the opportunity to share experiences, interact with experts, explore potential UPPS technologies, engage in discussions, and reflect on the challenges and opportunities that come with the development of UPPS.

The event kicked off with a warm welcome and introduction by project leader Professor Daan van Eijk, who provided a compact update on the fieldlab UPPS project and the work done within the NEXT UPPS project. This was followed by project pitches from four different industries, including personalized avatars for the lingerie industry (HYPERcurve studio), personalized earphones (Dopple), personalized non-invasive ventilation masks for children at the pediatric ICU (Amsterdam UMC), and the application of UPPS in design and innovation in topsport cycling (Team DSM). The presentation slides of each project partner can be viewed here: HYPERcurve studio, Dopple, Amsterdam UMC, Team DSM.

Participants could then choose from one of the four different workshops, each facilitated by one or two Next UPPS researchers. The workshops covered various topics, including 3D/4D scanning and design automation, services for user participation, manufacturing challenges, and the various aspects of UPPS development cycle from a company’s perspective, all related to ultra-personalization.

The symposium concluded with an inspiring keynote by Peter Joosten, a futurist and biohacker. He linked current technological developments and trends to the four UPPS domains (health, fashion, safety, and sports) and provided future directions for UPPS. Joosten also offered advice on how to make UPPS an even greater success!

Overall, the UPPS Symposium Perfect Fit was a great success, providing a unique platform for knowledge sharing, networking, and collecting ideas for future collaboration in the field of ultra-personalization of products and services. 

Thank you to everyone who attended our symposium. We appreciate your time and effort, and we hope you stay connected!