Ultra-personalisation is the process of designing products that are tailored to the exact needs, preferences and anthropometrics of a specific individual. This adds more value than standard product offerings resulting from mass production.



In a short introduction about the Why for UPPS Daan van Eijk indicated that Improved Fit, More insight in your customer population, creating a Long term customer relation and Less waste as the main reason to design and produce ultra-personalised products. Next to that al list of the most important challenges for UPPS, were indicated, such as: Convincing the user while having no tangible product at purchase time, Access to consumer data, Expensive scanning equipment, Privacy & Ethics, Design for Variability, Flexible and one-off production capabilities creates complicated ethics. Reason enough for the UPPS team to continue collaborations with companies and students to tackle more of these challenges in a future Graduation Lab evolving around UPPS!

Ultra Personalised Office Chair for the Home Environment, Leon Zondervan, Zon & Hoofd

Leon Zondervan and Koen Hoofd from Zon+Hoofd, just did not like the ergonomic and office look of the common office chair for the home environment. They saw a great opportunity in creating a modern chair that was comfortable as well, by personalisation. During his graduation, Max Morres created an algorithm for this a new office chair that is modern and minimalistic. By providing the right measures a personalised chair can be adapted to the user and 3D printed. Zon + Hoofd showed how the input of a set of relevant user data (like leg length, back curvature, body width) will feed the algorithm to create the ultimate support and a comfortable chair that has an appropriate look ‘n feel without the association without the office and ergonomic look.

UPPS in Education, Advanced Prototyping  - Willemijn Elkhuizen, TU Delft

Willemijn Elkhuizen is coordinator of the Minor Advanced Manufacturing. Students are challenged to find and design their own personalised DIY topic to learn more about advanced manufacturing techniques, also used for UPPS. This resulted in Funky ski Googles, personalised bicycle seats, climbing shoes, rowing boat seats, hearing protection as jewellery and much more.  

Next to that, Willemijn coached graduation students in collaborating with societal partners. Together with Brandwondenziekenhuis, a personalised Severe Burns Collar with a silicon layer to heal burning wounds was developed. In collaboration with Ocularists a template was developed for customising artificial eyes (Ocular Prosthetics), that are personalised in shape, appearance and produced by multimaterial 3D printing.

Want to learn more about Advance prototyping? Take a look at the: Open interactive Textbook on computational design, the book-like website will introduce you into this fascinating design world.

Crafting Custom Experiences, key learning from developing UPPS, Frank Schoenmaker, nSize

What is the Added value of personalisation? Frank Schoenmaker from nSize had a clear message: Be clear about where your personalisation adds value and how.

For instance for the Breathing Masks for children in the ICU the leakage of air was reduced from 60% to 30% leakage.

Next to that: determine the right price point and you will position yourself in a sweet spot in the market place.

No Wave too High, personalisation in sit kites, Willem Hooft, Willem Hooft Foundation

Since 7 years Willem Hooft uses a wheelchair as a result of a car accident. He always was a fanatic windsurfer, but from that point on he has dedicated his life and energy to be 1) a world record player in sit kite surfing and 2) enabling sporters with limited body functions to go kite surfing. He initiated two projects: to produce affordable sit kite gear for sporters with limited body functions and to create the best possible ultra personalized seat for him self.

For professional sit kites it is key to be as light as possible to make the highest jumps. The empty space in the seat between back and sit contains heavy water. The focus of this project was too reduce the empty space and thereby reducing the water volume, that hinders the height of the jump, by ultra personalisation. Another insight from this project was that, to be able to initiate the highest jump, it is crucial to deploy all available muscle strength in the body. A more upright position can ensure this. In combination with the light structure of Pet and carbon, both interventions together resulted in a new world record; a 11,1 meter high  jump!

Watch the documentary Limitless A Willem Hooft Story online!

Jouke Verlinden: Crossing Boundaries of Personalisation, keynote

Jouke gave a brief overview of technologies used in creating UPPS and its applications in Belgium.

He closed the Symposium by making a plea for creating a Master of UPPS: The future of Ultra Personalisation depends on the best education, composed by  [figuur in de presentative]

Human Performance/Medical /revalidation  - Ethics

Comfort – Appeal – product design – trust

Services /Business Economics

Liability/Law / IP

Materials – History


How to design an ultra-personalised desk chair for the home environment? What can we say about UPPS in education, How to position UPPS in the market? How to design and produce Ultra Personalised Products and Services?

Find out this and more at our second UPPS Symposium Perfect Fit, on Tuesday 16 April 13:30-17:30, organised by the UPPS team, powered by CLICKNL and hosted by TU Delft.

Enjoy an afternoon full of UPPS pitches by Willem Hooft - International sit kite surfer, Frank Schoenmaker, nSize about Crafting Customer Experiences, UPPS in Education, by researcher Willemijn Elkhuizen and Zon & Hoofd, talking about a personalised office chair. Furthermore, you can expect interactive workshops, and a ‘Belgium UPPS perspective’ keynote by Jouke Verlinden.

We welcome the UPPS network of companies, design professionals, researchers, students, and anyone interested in this intriguing design world!


13:30    Walk in with coffee and tea  

13:45    Welcome and introduction UPPS  

14:00    Project pitches  

15:00    Break  

15:15    Workshops (3D- and 4D-scanning, Lab Tour, UPPS canvas, UPPS Graduation Lab)

16:30    Keynote Jouke Verlinden, Professor ‘Augmented Fabrication’ at the University of Antwerp

17:00    Drinks  

17:30    End

Location: Arena, Faculty Industrial Design, Landbergstraat 15, 2628 CE Delft.

Behavioural Change Through Play - CLICKNL

Het UPPS Symposium Perfect Fit evenement vond plaats op donderdag 20 april 2023 aan de Faculteit Industrieel Ontwerpen in Delft. Dit symposium, georganiseerd door Fieldlab UPPS en NEXT UPPS en financieel ondersteund door CLICKNL, NWO, TU Delft en private partners, was toegankelijk voor iedereen die geïnteresseerd was in onderzoek en ontwikkeling van UPPS.

Het symposium bracht een diverse groep deelnemers samen, waaronder onderzoekers, ontwerpers, professionals uit de industrie en studenten die gepassioneerd zijn over ultra-gepersonaliseerde producten en diensten (UPPS). De deelnemers hadden de mogelijkheid om ervaringen te delen, in contact te komen met experts, potentiële UPPS-technologieën te verkennen, deel te nemen aan discussies en te reflecteren op de uitdagingen en kansen die gepaard gaan met de ontwikkeling van UPPS.

Het evenement werd afgetrapt met een warm welkom en introductie door projectleider Professor Daan van Eijk, die een compacte update gaf over het het werk dat zowel binnen het fieldlab UPPS-project en het NEXT UPPS-project is verricht. Daarop volgden projectpresentaties vanuit vier verschillende industrieën, waaronder gepersonaliseerde avatars voor lingerie (HYPERcurve studio), gepersonaliseerde oordopjes (Dopple), gepersonaliseerde non-invasieve beademingsmaskers voor kinderen op de kinder-IC (Amsterdam UMC) en de toepassing van UPPS in ontwerp en innovatie in de wielren topsport (Team DSM). De presentaties van alle projectpartners kun je hier terugzien: HYPERcurve studio, Dopple, Amsterdam UMC, Team DSM.

Deelnemers konden vervolgens kiezen uit een van de vier verschillende workshops, elk gefaciliteerd door één of twee Next UPPS onderzoekers. De workshops behandelden verschillende thema’s, waaronder 3D/4D scanning en design automatisering, services voor gebruikersparticipatie, productie-uitdagingen en de verschillende aspecten van de UPPS-ontwikkelingscyclus vanuit het perspectief van een bedrijf, allemaal gerelateerd aan ultra-personalisatie.

Het symposium werd afgesloten met een inspirerende keynote van Peter Joosten, een futurist en biohacker. Vanuit de huidige technologische ontwikkelingen en trends legde hij verbanden met de vier UPPS-domeinen (gezondheid, mode, veiligheid en sport) en gaf op basis daarvan zijn visie over toekomstige richtingen voor UPPS. Joosten bood ook advies over hoe UPPS nog succesvoller zou kunnen worden gemaakt!

Al met al was het UPPS Symposium Perfect Fit een groot succes omdat het een uniek platform bood voor het delen van kennis, netwerken en het verzamelen van ideeën voor toekomstige samenwerking op het gebied van ultra-personalisatie van producten en diensten.

Met dank aan iedereen die ons symposium heeft bijgewoond. We waarderen uw tijd en inzet en we hopen dat u contact blijft houden!


In het professionele wielrennen worden mannequins gebruikt voor aerodynamische metingen in windtunnels. Het voordeel van mannequins is dat er een standaardpositie kan worden ingenomen welke gedurende de verschillende testen niet verandert zoals ,een echt persoon wel zou doen, waardoor testresultaten goed vergelijkbaar zijn. Daarnaast is het ook een logistiek en praktisch voordeel om een mannequin te gebruiken voor de testen in plaats van echte wielrenners met een overvolle agenda.

Wielermannequins hebben zichzelf al bewezen maar er zijn nog altijd verbeteringen mogelijk om het gebruik van de mannequins verder te optimaliseren. Hierbij denken we aan praktischer in het gebruik, meerdere posities voor dezelfde mannequin, een automated workflow voor het verwerken van een 3D scan naar fysieke mannequin en geoptimaliseerd gebruik van materialen.

Doel samenwerking en kennisontwikkeling

Het doel van het project is het procesontwerp om van een 3D-scan van een wielrenner een life-size fysiek wielermannequin te maken in meerdere posities. Deze mannequin moet tegen een stootje kunnen en praktisch zijn in het gebruik van aerodynamica testen.

Samenwerking en kennisontwikkeling

De kennisontwikkeling vond plaats als samenwerking tussen Team DSM, Fieldlab UPPS (Industrieel ontwerpen, TU Delft), en Aerodynamica (Lucht en Ruimtevaart, TU Delft).

Door het combineren van praktische sportkennis en onderzoek is het mogelijk geweest om tot een nieuw ontwerp te komen voor het testen van aerodynamica van een mannequin in de wind tunnel.

Tijdens het studentenproject zijn 10 renners gescand op een koersfiets en op de tijdritfiets. Een gewogen gemiddelde is gemaakt per positie om een generieke mannequin op een tijdritfiets en op de wegfiets te maken.

Er zijn modellen gegenereerd en deze worden als open-source modellen gedeeld en 3D geprint. De generieke modellen zullen dienen als een golden standard voor aerodynamica onderzoeken in zowel CFD als wind tunnel analyses. Hierdoor kunnen verschillende onderzoeksinstituten research met elkaar vergelijken.

Tijdens het project is een mannequin prototype geprint om technieken te onderzoeken voor het praktische gebruik van de uiteindelijke mannequins. De mannequin moest makkelijk handelbaar zijn, verschillende fietskleding kunnen dragen en goed aan de fiets bevestigd kunnen worden.

Bovenstaande engineeringvraagstukken zijn behandeld en vervolgens is een prototype is gemaakt, dat uit verschillende segmenten bestaat waardoor het makkelijk te hanteren en vervoeren is.

Na het fieldlabs UPPS project is de productie van de mannequins gestart en zijn de laatste details aan de virtuele modellen verbeterd. Het uiteindelijke doel is om de eerste CFD en windtunnel testen te starten in april 2023.


In het professionele wielrennen worden mannequins gebruikt voor aerodynamische metingen in windtunnels. Het voordeel van mannequins is dat er een standaardpositie kan worden ingenomen welke gedurende de verschillende testen niet verandert zoals ,een echt persoon wel zou doen, waardoor testresultaten goed vergelijkbaar zijn. Daarnaast is het ook een logistiek en praktisch voordeel om een mannequin te gebruiken voor de testen in plaats van echte wielrenners met een overvolle agenda.

Wielermannequins hebben zichzelf al bewezen maar er zijn nog altijd verbeteringen mogelijk om het gebruik van de mannequins verder te optimaliseren. Hierbij denken we aan praktischer in het gebruik, meerdere posities voor dezelfde mannequin, een automated workflow voor het verwerken van een 3D scan naar fysieke mannequin en geoptimaliseerd gebruik van materialen.

Doel samenwerking en kennisontwikkeling

Het doel van het project is het procesontwerp om van een 3D-scan van een wielrenner een life-size fysiek wielermannequin te maken in meerdere posities. Deze mannequin moet tegen een stootje kunnen en praktisch zijn in het gebruik van aerodynamica testen.

Samenwerking en kennisontwikkeling

De kennisontwikkeling vond plaats als samenwerking tussen Team DSM, Fieldlab UPPS (Industrieel ontwerpen, TU Delft), en Aerodynamica (Lucht en Ruimtevaart, TU Delft).

Door het combineren van praktische sportkennis en onderzoek is het mogelijk geweest om tot een nieuw ontwerp te komen voor het testen van aerodynamica van een mannequin in de wind tunnel.

Tijdens het studentenproject zijn 10 renners gescand op een koersfiets en op de tijdritfiets. Een gewogen gemiddelde is gemaakt per positie om een generieke mannequin op een tijdritfiets en op de wegfiets te maken.

Er zijn modellen gegenereerd en deze worden als open-source modellen gedeeld en 3D geprint. De generieke modellen zullen dienen als een golden standard voor aerodynamica onderzoeken in zowel CFD als wind tunnel analyses. Hierdoor kunnen verschillende onderzoeksinstituten research met elkaar vergelijken.

Tijdens het project is een mannequin prototype geprint om technieken te onderzoeken voor het praktische gebruik van de uiteindelijke mannequins. De mannequin moest makkelijk handelbaar zijn, verschillende fietskleding kunnen dragen en goed aan de fiets bevestigd kunnen worden.

Bovenstaande engineeringvraagstukken zijn behandeld en vervolgens is een prototype is gemaakt, dat uit verschillende segmenten bestaat waardoor het makkelijk te hanteren en vervoeren is.

Na het fieldlabs UPPS project is de productie van de mannequins gestart en zijn de laatste details aan de virtuele modellen verbeterd. Het uiteindelijke doel is om de eerste CFD en windtunnel testen te starten in april 2023.


All Shoes and Fieldlab UPPS and hopefully you will create a “smart” safety shoe that detects and alerts the wearer to danger in high-risk situations.

In an SPD graduation project at TU Delft, a strategic concept was developed in which a smart safety shoe measures the leading and lagging indicators with regard to manual handling. Following this concept, an IPD graduation project resulted in a tangible prototype equipped with pressure sensors in its insole. With this prototype, it was shown in a small-scale experiment that it was possible to deploy machine learning in order to detect several harmful postures in one subject. Detecting such postures can open up the way to support the prevention of work-related disorders in the long run. This graduation opportunity is the third and closing part of the Safety Shoe triptych as we are in the final stage of the project.

What will be your task? In this final stage we want to validate our current knowledge and findings by putting it into practice by scaling up the experimental testing of the principles behind the Smart Safety Shoe. It will be your responsibility to design and conduct experiments with multiple subjects in realistic situations and analyze the resulting sensor data, deep-diving into possible implementations of machine learning and/or AI. Furthermore, you will explore possible user interfaces that help end-users to improve the way they handle materials (e.g., through a tactile alert, or using a smartphone app), all whilst seriously taking GDPR measures into account. By conducting all these steps, our ultimate goal is to bring the Smart Safety Shoe to market. Are you up for this challenge?!

Who are we looking for? Are you the one who wants to bring the Smart Safety Shoe to life and who wants to drive change with us? Then you are the person we are looking for! We are looking for an IDP student (or possibly a DFI student) who is able to successfully perform the research steps described above, all whilst taking the user perspective into consideration. You are willing to explore the potential of machine learning, AI, and related cutting-edge technologies, and meaningfully incorporate these into your research and design. You do not hesitate to ask for information or assistance: during the project, our colleagues will be there to offer helpful insights and advice.

What do we offer? During this graduation, you can make use of a great workplace at the heart of the land of safety shoes in our brand-new office in Amsterdam, whereas it is also possible for you to work remotely. Allshoes has an informal organizational culture and has short lines of communication. There will be a budget available for you to conduct your research, a graduation allowance, and your travel expenses will be reimbursed. Lastly, the Safety Shoe project is conducted in association with the TUDelft Fieldlab Upps. Following up on the previous graduation project, a supervisory team has already been put in place for this project. Wilfred van der Vegte from the Knowledge & Intelligence Design section is the envisaged chair, and Anton Jellema from the section Applied Ergonomics and Design and Fieldlab UPPS is the envisaged mentor. They can offer support on machine learning and related technologies on one hand, and ergonomics, user research, and user interaction on the other. Will you be the one finalizing the last stage in the development of the Smart Safety Shoe?

Please contact Jan.Arts@allshoes.eu


On 21st of June, from the studio of the faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, the fourth episode of MeetUPPS took place, which hosted about 35 visitors. This time, we had eight speakers, each of whom pitched about their UPPS project in four different domains: fashion, health, sports and safety. In the second part of the event, there was a possibility for new companies to pitch their project idea, to be submitted for the next round of projects. We closed-off the event with breakout sessions, for each new company to discuss their project with one of our Fieldlab UPPS experts. Overall, a very inspiring and productive afternoon.

Here you can find a short summary of all project pitches, but soon you will be able to read about them in more detail on our website.


Maartje Boer was the first to present her project about personalized knitwear with the company STRIKKS. This company already works with customization of knitted items and an interactive virtual fitting experience, where a selected item is projected onto a white mannequin. This experience, however, is very limiting in sizing and personal fit. Maartje designed a retail experience using novel virtual fitting software.

Secondly, Rosa Kramer presented the project that she has been running with her company HYPERcurve. With the Fieldlab project, they focused on reducing the design cycle time for new lingerie, by incorporating 3D design and fitting techniques. To achieve this, a more accurate and customizable digital model was created that accounts for shape variation and the effect of an underwire.

Pitch by HYPERcurve


From the Amsterdam University Medical Center (UMC), Renée Hovenier presented their Fieldlab project about personalized respiratory masks for children in the ICU. Because standard respiration masks are often not fitting tightly, doctors are forced to use invasive respiration techniques, which is not desired. Using 3D face scans and automated modeling software, a mask can be partly personalized for each child. The first prototypes have been tested on test-heads and long simulators. This project will continue beyond the Fieldlab timeline.

Jan Berend Zweerts and Yaman Gupta subsequently presented their project for Maatbril, a company that makes personalized spectacles for people with unique head structures, such as people with Down syndrome. Within Fieldlab, they performed a shape analysis of the area behind the ear and created a 3D head scanner that allows for operators to take an instant and accurate scan with low interaction impact for the client.

Pitch by Maatbril

From Tjelp Design, Anna Ruiter talked about her Fieldlab project about personalized, aesthetic splint rings. They are in the process of creating a parametric model of a ring, that can be personalized based on unique geometry.


Norbert Alblas, professional goalkeeper at football club N.E.C. Nijmegen, presented his project on a personalized wrist guard for goalkeepers, to reduce the number of strain injuries.


Nuno Pires from Swiss-based company Geosatis presented a project about their ankle bracelets for detention monitoring. Together with the Fieldlab researchers, they built a computer model to determine the ideal distribution of size dimensions, using a database of over 2000 ankle scans from the user population.

Pitch by Geosatis

Future steps of Fieldlab UPPS

After the pitches of the current Fieldlab projects, there were four pitches for new project proposals. In break-out sessions, we held “speed date” sessions with each company to discuss their ideas and our first input. The call for new projects has already opened and submissions will be evaluated and evaluated in sequence of entry. The deadline for submission is December 31st 2021. It is expected that we will honor about 4-5 new projects and the first will start in the summer of 2021.


In a short introduction about the Why for UPPS Daan van Eijk indicated that Improved Fit, More insight in your customer population, creating a Long term customer relation and Less waste as the main reason to design and produce ultra-personalised products. Next to that al list of the most important challenges for UPPS, were indicated, such as: Convincing the user while having no tangible product at purchase time, Access to consumer data, Expensive scanning equipment, Privacy & Ethics, Design for Variability, Flexible and one-off production capabilities creates complicated ethics. Reason enough for the UPPS team to continue collaborations with companies and students to tackle more of these challenges in a future Graduation Lab evolving around UPPS!

Ultra Personalised Office Chair for the Home Environment, Leon Zondervan, Zon & Hoofd

Leon Zondervan and Koen Hoofd from Zon+Hoofd, just did not like the ergonomic and office look of the common office chair for the home environment. They saw a great opportunity in creating a modern chair that was comfortable as well, by personalisation. During his graduation, Max Morres created an algorithm for this a new office chair that is modern and minimalistic. By providing the right measures a personalised chair can be adapted to the user and 3D printed. Zon + Hoofd showed how the input of a set of relevant user data (like leg length, back curvature, body width) will feed the algorithm to create the ultimate support and a comfortable chair that has an appropriate look ‘n feel without the association without the office and ergonomic look.

UPPS in Education, Advanced Prototyping  - Willemijn Elkhuizen, TU Delft

Willemijn Elkhuizen is coordinator of the Minor Advanced Manufacturing. Students are challenged to find and design their own personalised DIY topic to learn more about advanced manufacturing techniques, also used for UPPS. This resulted in Funky ski Googles, personalised bicycle seats, climbing shoes, rowing boat seats, hearing protection as jewellery and much more.  

Next to that, Willemijn coached graduation students in collaborating with societal partners. Together with Brandwondenziekenhuis, a personalised Severe Burns Collar with a silicon layer to heal burning wounds was developed. In collaboration with Ocularists a template was developed for customising artificial eyes (Ocular Prosthetics), that are personalised in shape, appearance and produced by multimaterial 3D printing.

Want to learn more about Advance prototyping? Take a look at the: Open interactive Textbook on computational design, the book-like website will introduce you into this fascinating design world.

Crafting Custom Experiences, key learning from developing UPPS, Frank Schoenmaker, nSize

What is the Added value of personalisation? Frank Schoenmaker from nSize had a clear message: Be clear about where your personalisation adds value and how.

For instance for the Breathing Masks for children in the ICU the leakage of air was reduced from 60% to 30% leakage.

Next to that: determine the right price point and you will position yourself in a sweet spot in the market place.

No Wave too High, personalisation in sit kites, Willem Hooft, Willem Hooft Foundation

Since 7 years Willem Hooft uses a wheelchair as a result of a car accident. He always was a fanatic windsurfer, but from that point on he has dedicated his life and energy to be 1) a world record player in sit kite surfing and 2) enabling sporters with limited body functions to go kite surfing. He initiated two projects: to produce affordable sit kite gear for sporters with limited body functions and to create the best possible ultra personalized seat for him self.

For professional sit kites it is key to be as light as possible to make the highest jumps. The empty space in the seat between back and sit contains heavy water. The focus of this project was too reduce the empty space and thereby reducing the water volume, that hinders the height of the jump, by ultra personalisation. Another insight from this project was that, to be able to initiate the highest jump, it is crucial to deploy all available muscle strength in the body. A more upright position can ensure this. In combination with the light structure of Pet and carbon, both interventions together resulted in a new world record; a 11,1 meter high  jump!

Watch the documentary Limitless A Willem Hooft Story online!

Jouke Verlinden: Crossing Boundaries of Personalisation, keynote

Jouke gave a brief overview of technologies used in creating UPPS and its applications in Belgium.

He closed the Symposium by making a plea for creating a Master of UPPS: The future of Ultra Personalisation depends on the best education, composed by  [figuur in de presentative]

Human Performance/Medical /revalidation  - Ethics

Comfort – Appeal – product design – trust

Services /Business Economics

Liability/Law / IP

Materials – History


How to design an ultra-personalised desk chair for the home environment? What can we say about UPPS in education, How to position UPPS in the market? How to design and produce Ultra Personalised Products and Services?

Find out this and more at our second UPPS Symposium Perfect Fit, on Tuesday 16 April 13:30-17:30, organised by the UPPS team, powered by CLICKNL and hosted by TU Delft.

Enjoy an afternoon full of UPPS pitches by Willem Hooft - International sit kite surfer, Frank Schoenmaker, nSize about Crafting Customer Experiences, UPPS in Education, by researcher Willemijn Elkhuizen and Zon & Hoofd, talking about a personalised office chair. Furthermore, you can expect interactive workshops, and a ‘Belgium UPPS perspective’ keynote by Jouke Verlinden.

We welcome the UPPS network of companies, design professionals, researchers, students, and anyone interested in this intriguing design world!


13:30    Walk in with coffee and tea  

13:45    Welcome and introduction UPPS  

14:00    Project pitches  

15:00    Break  

15:15    Workshops (3D- and 4D-scanning, Lab Tour, UPPS canvas, UPPS Graduation Lab)

16:30    Keynote Jouke Verlinden, Professor ‘Augmented Fabrication’ at the University of Antwerp

17:00    Drinks  

17:30    End

Location: Arena, Faculty Industrial Design, Landbergstraat 15, 2628 CE Delft.

Behavioural Change Through Play - CLICKNL

How to design an ultra-personalised desk chair for the home environment? What can we say about UPPS in education, How to position UPPS in the market? How to design and produce Ultra Personalised Products and Services?

Find out this and more at our second UPPS Symposium Perfect Fit, on Tuesday 16 April 13:30-17:30, organised by the UPPS team, powered by CLICKNL and hosted by TU Delft.

Enjoy an afternoon full of UPPS pitches by Willem Hooft - International sit kite surfer, Frank Schoenmaker, nSize about Crafting Customer Experiences, UPPS in Education, by researcher Willemijn Elkhuizen and Zon & Hoofd, talking about a personalised office chair. Furthermore, you can expect interactive workshops, and a ‘Belgium UPPS perspective’ keynote by Jouke Verlinden.

We welcome the UPPS network of companies, design professionals, researchers, students, and anyone interested in this intriguing design world!


13:30    Walk in with coffee and tea  

13:45    Welcome and introduction UPPS  

14:00    Project pitches  

15:00    Break  

15:15    Workshops (3D- and 4D-scanning, Lab Tour, UPPS canvas, UPPS Graduation Lab)

16:30    Keynote Jouke Verlinden, Professor ‘Augmented Fabrication’ at the University of Antwerp

17:00    Drinks  

17:30    End

Location: Arena, Faculty Industrial Design, Landbergstraat 15, 2628 CE Delft.

Behavioural Change Through Play - CLICKNL